Adoptive and Foster Families of Maine, Inc. & The Kinship Program has full-time staff members that have both personal and professional experience with being a foster parent. From providing pre-service training and supporting families as they become a licensed family, to receiving their first placement, and helping families be a supportive team member of the reunification process, AFFM’s team is here to support foster families. AFFM’s Resource Family Specialist (RFS) can provide non-judgmental peer support to families who are experiencing the joys and successes of being a foster family. The RFS can help families with immediate tangible needs along with navigational supports as families try to find their way through a variety of systems. AFFM staff can also provide referrals to other community supports who can provide additional resources and services that will enhance their chances for success.
Families can contact one of AFFM’s Resource Family Specialists at 207-827-2331 or by e-mail at info@affm.net for further assistance. Scroll below for additional foster family resources.
Additional State and National Supports
State Supports
Maine Department of Health and Human Services
Office of Child and Family Services
2 Anthony Avenue, Augusta, ME 04333-0011
Tel.: (207) 624-7900; Fax: (207) 287—5282
TTY Users: Dial 711 (“Maine Relay)
Resource Parent Bill of Rights
DHHS Foster Home Licensing Rules
Guide for Contacting DHHS Staff
Office of Child and Family Services Organizational Chart
Maine.gov Foster Parenting Website
Office of Child and Family Services Policies
Mandated Reporting information
Mileage Reimbursement PowerPoint
Purchase Reimbursement PowerPoint
Therapeutic Treatment Foster Parenting
Treatment foster care agencies provide casework support, support workers, training, support groups, and clinical consultation. For more information please check out The Family Focused Treatment Association’s Information below where you can learn more about therapeutic foster parenting.
Family Focused Treatment Association
Maine FFTA is a collaboration of behavioral health agencies in support of positive outcomes for children and youth served in family-based treatment settings, particularly treatment foster care. This is accomplished by partnering with families, communities, child welfare, and other child-focused entities to promote best practices in treatment foster care.
The FFTA Maine Chapter is made up of agencies throughout the State:
Click on the agencies below to find out more about their services & Support

Community Health and Counseling Services

Community Care

Who can be a treatment foster parent?
Interested candidates must be at least 21 years of age, and may own or rent their home. They may be single, married, or partnered, and agree to abide by the rules and standards for licensed foster homes. Candidates need to have at least six months of verifiable work experience with children with emotional and/or behavioral needs or one year as a licensed foster parent.
What’s the difference between treatment foster care and regular foster care?
Children and youth referred to treatment foster care agencies typically have higher needs due to behavioral health issues and/or developmental delays. As a result, they often have special education services, therapy needs, and medication management. They require foster parents with specialized skills and training in managing children’s behaviors. Treatment foster care agencies provide casework support, support workers, training, support groups, and clinical consultation.
How do I get more information?
You can contact any of the member agencies in your area.
Agency by County
Androscoggin: CHCS, KidsPeace, Spurwink, Woodfords
Aroostook: CHCS, Community Care
Cumberland: CHCS, KidsPeace, Spurwink, Woodfords
Franklin: CHCS, Community Care, KidsPeace, Spurwink
Hancock: CHCS, Community Care, KidsPeace, Spurwink
Kennebec: CHCS, Community Care, KidsPeace, Spurwink, Woodfords
Knox: CHCS, KidsPeace, Spurwink
Lincoln: CHCS, KidsPeace, Spurwink
Oxford: CHCS, KidsPeace, Spurwink, Woodfords
Penobscot: CHCS, Community Care, KidsPeace, Spurwink
Piscataquis: CHCS, Community Care, KidsPeace, Spurwink
Sagadahoc: CHCS, KidsPeace, Spurwink
Somerset: CHCS, Community Care, KidsPeace, Spurwink
Waldo: CHCS, Community Care, KidsPeace, Spurwink
Washington: CHCS, Community Care
York: CHCS, KidsPeace, Spurwink, Woodfords
Resource Parent Care Team
In-home supports are available to eligible resource families determined by needs and experiences, including needs assessments, referrals, coordination of clinical and community supports, and education on trauma and parenting skills. Services are available in all 16 counties.
Community Health and Counseling Services
PO Box 425,
Bangor, Maine 04402-0425
Phone: 1-800-924-0366
Email: Contact@chcs-me.org
All licensed Foster & Kinship homes need to complete 18 hours of training every two years in order to maintain their licensure. Adoptive and Foster Families of Maine, Inc. provides a variety of training in addition to collaborating with community, state, and national organizations to help educate families. Click here to learn more about training opportunities.
National Supports
The NFPA wants to be a respected national voice for foster, kinship, and adoptive families through networking, education, and advocacy. You can find out more by visiting their website https://nfpaonline.org.
Child Welfare Information Gateway promotes the safety, permanency, and well-being of children, youth, and families by connecting child welfare, adoption, and related professionals as well as the public to information, resources, and tools covering topics on child welfare, child abuse, and neglect, out-of-home care, adoption, and more.