AFFM is proud to collaborate with organizations and local communities in order to meet the needs of families. AFFM participates on various committees, advisory groups, and community partnerships to help lift the voice of resource families, and identify and create solutions towards helping issues faced by families. Below are just a few of the organizations and partnerships that AFFM has developed over its years of service.
AFFM has Representation on the Following Committees
- Advisory Council to Support Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
- Central Maine Youth Trauma Initiative Stakeholders
- Community Caring Collaborative
- Family-Focused Treatment Association (FFTA)
- Families Rising
- Generations United Grandfamilies Advisory Group
- Infant Safe Sleep & Abusive Head Trauma Prevention Coalition
- Kinship Advisory Committee
- Maine Alliance of Family Organizations (MAFO)
- Maine Child Welfare Action Network
- Maine Child Welfare Advisory Panel
- Maine Interagency Coordinating Council
- Maine Justice for Children Task Force
- Maine Resource Parent Advisory Committee
- Maine Youth Transition Collaborative Advisory Board
- National Foster Parents Association (NFPA)
- Portland Health Equity Alignment Aging Committee
- Resource Family Recruitment Committees
Are you interested in getting your concerns shared with any of the committees? If so contact the AFFM office. These are just a few of the committees we have representation on, if you are curious about other activities or committees where AFFM represents the Resource Family community please contact us.