Impact of Substance Use-Training

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Children in the child welfare system or those who have been adopted may have been exposed to drugs and alcohol before birth. These exposures can significantly impact a child's development in utero and beyond. Research indicates that alcohol exposure has the most severe long-term consequences, often resulting in permanent brain injury and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs). Other substance exposures can also affect a child’s development and behavior. One key concept for foster and adoptive parents to understand is that FASD is a permanent brain injury. Children with FASD may appear willfully disobedient or "naughty," but these behaviors are often symptoms of a brain injury manifesting in behavioral ways. By reframing these behaviors through the lens of a brain injury, parents can foster greater patience and empathy, even during challenging times. This training will also address other prenatal substance exposures and their effects on child development.  
  Goals of This Session:
  • Gain an understanding of FASD and the potential lifelong impacts on children’s social, emotional, and cognitive functioning associated with FASD and other parental substance use conditions.
  • Understand the impact of substance use on the developing brain, both in utero and throughout the child’s lifetime.
  • Identify effective parenting strategies for children who have been exposed to substances prenatally.
  • Develop an understanding of the genetic components of addiction and recognize addiction as a chronic disease.