YOUTH IN CARE WORKSHOP SERIES Addressing the prevalence of child sexual abuse, problematic sexual behaviors, prevention, and safety with a focus on children and youth in out- of-home placement Join us for a series of 5 trainings addressing the prevalence of child sexual abuse, problematic sexual behaviors, prevention, and safety with a focus on foster, adoptive, and kinship families.
We will be holding them on Zoom between September 25th to October 30th from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. The trainings will be led by Heather Tryon from Rape Response Services, which provides support and advocacy to people who have experienced sexual violence and their family and friends.
Sept. 25 - Age-Appropriate vs. Potentially Sexual Behavior in Youth
Oct. 2 - Perspectives on Youth with Problematic Sexual Behavior
Oct. 16 - Protecting Our Kids: Safety Planning and Having the Hard (for Us) Conversations
Oct. 23 - Caring for Children Who Have Experienced Sexual Abuse
Oct. 30 - Supporting LGBTQIA+ Youth Because of the nature of some of the topics, these conversations might be hard for some children to hear. If your children are around, it may be best to use headphones so all participants may speak freely.
Register here: Trainings - RSVP - Adoptive & Foster Families of Maine (