Machias - F/A/K - Meets Thursday, January 11, 2024 from 5:30-7:30 P.M. On-site childcare provided with advance notice. RSVP IS REQUIRED EACH MONTH. RSVP by calling Sheila at 207-827-2331, email, or by clicking on the link below. Meeting led by Mindy Kane, AFFM Kinship Navigator.
Training Topic:
Corrie Hunkler, Extended Learning Opportunities Coordinator at Healthy Acadia, commonly referred to as ELO’s, represent a dynamic departure from conventional classroom education. These hands-on, credit-bearing courses place a firm emphasis on community-based career exploration, offering a customized pathway for students to delve into the multifaceted realm of professional life. Corrie will plan to present on the ELO opportunities and other resources Healthy Acadia has to offer.