Parenting in a Culturally and Racially Diverse Family

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Parenting in a Culturally and Racially Diverse Family Presented by: Carrie Rapp, AFFM Trainer Fostering or adopting in a racially and culturally diverse family can present challenges that go beyond the “normal” difficulties associated with parenting. Parents must gain self-awareness of themselves and others as racial beings with cultural values that guide behaviors and beliefs. Children in racially and culturally diverse families may have difficulty defining their own cultural and racial identities and will need support from their parents. This can be particularly challenging for white parents, because they may not have had the same experiences of racially and culturally diverse individuals, which can make it difficult for them to have open conversations about race, ethnicity, culture, and so on. RSVP here: CARES - RSVP - Adoptive & Foster Families of Maine ( Goals of this session: •Know strategies that help children develop positive identities. • Understand the impact fostering/adopting children of a different racial/ ethnic/cultural background will have on both the family and the child. • Describe strategies to help children prepare for and handle racism and microaggressions. • Understand that additional knowledge, skills and attitudes are needed when parenting children from a different race/culture from their own. • Understand the importance of supporting children’s exploration of race/culture.