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All resource families are required to complete Mandated Reporter Training when becoming licensed and must renew this training every four years. Join us for this essential training and earn 2 hours towards recertification!
Mandated Reporters play a vital role in Maine’s child protection system, serving as an early warning network to identify suspected child abuse and neglect. By acting promptly, they help prevent serious and long-term harm to children. Professionals who frequently work with children are in the best position to recognize and report suspected abuse or neglect, and the law requires them to do so.
This training ensures that you, as a resource parent, are equipped with the knowledge to fulfill this critical responsibility.
Archives: Events
Mandated Reporter Training
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All resource families are required to complete Mandated Reporter Training when becoming licensed and must renew this training every four years. Join us for this essential training and earn 2 hours towards recertification!
Mandated Reporters play a vital role in Maine’s child protection system, serving as an early warning network to identify suspected child abuse and neglect. By acting promptly, they help prevent serious and long-term harm to children. Professionals who frequently work with children are in the best position to recognize and report suspected abuse or neglect, and the law requires them to do so.
This training ensures that you, as a resource parent, are equipped with the knowledge to fulfill this critical responsibility.
Mandated Reporter Training
Register HERE
All resource families are required to complete Mandated Reporter Training when becoming licensed and must renew this training every four years. Join us for this essential training and earn 2 hours towards recertification!
Mandated Reporters play a vital role in Maine’s child protection system, serving as an early warning network to identify suspected child abuse and neglect. By acting promptly, they help prevent serious and long-term harm to children. Professionals who frequently work with children are in the best position to recognize and report suspected abuse or neglect, and the law requires them to do so.
This training ensures that you, as a resource parent, are equipped with the knowledge to fulfill this critical responsibility.
C.A.R.E.S. Lewiston/Auburn Meeting – Foster, Adoptive, and Kinship Families
Lewiston / Auburn – F/A/K- Meets Tuesday, March 25th, 6:00-7:30 P.M. location SeniorsPlus 8 Falcon Rd, Lewiston. Childcare is provided with prior RSVP.
The meeting is led by Deb Hallowell, AFFM Facilitator and Resource Parent. RSVP by calling Brigid at 207-827-2331 or email or clicking the below link:
Register Here:
C.A.R.E.S. Wilton Meeting – Kinship Families
Wilton – Kinship Only- Meets Thursday, March 20th, 6:00-7:30 P.M. at SeniorsPlus 284 Main St. Suite 110, Wilton, ME. Childcare is provided with prior RSVP.
This meeting is led by Cyndi Dolloff, AFFM Trainer, Facilitator, and Resource Parent. RSVP by calling Brigid at 207-827-2331 or email or clicking the below link.
Register Here:
C.A.R.E.S. Virtual Meeting Foster/Adoptive/Kinship Families
F/A/K Afternoon- Meets Thursday, March 20th, 12:00-1:30 P.M. by ZOOM Conferencing.
The meeting is led by Brigid Torberg, AFFM Resource Support Coordinator. RSVP IS REQUIRED EACH MONTH TO RECEIVE THE LINK TO JOIN THE MEETING. RSVP by calling Brigid at 207-827-2331 or email or clicking the below link:
Register Here:
Managing Confidentiality; The Why and How
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As a resource parent, asking questions like “Who,” “What,” “When,” and “Where” is vital. However, managing these inquiries while maintaining confidentiality is equally important. Understanding boundaries regarding sensitive information is key to ensuring the safety and well-being of children in your care.
This workshop will help define these boundaries and provide practical tools for navigating them, emphasizing why confidentiality is critical and how caregivers can operate within these limits.
Key Topics Covered:
Exploring different types of confidentiality in everyday situations.
Understanding the rights of foster children and biological parents concerning confidentiality and ownership of “their story.”
Reviewing the DHHS social media policy and strategies for adhering to it.
Addressing common questions and scenarios related to confidentiality.
By the end of this session, participants will be better equipped to respect privacy, uphold confidentiality, and manage boundaries effectively in their caregiving role.
C.A.R.E.S. Ellsworth Meeting-Foster, Adoptive, and Kinship Families
Ellsworth – F/A/K- Meets Tuesday, March 18, 2025 from 5:30-7:30 P.M. at the United Baptist Church (28 Hancock Street). On-site childcare is provided with advance notice. RSVP IS REQUIRED EACH MONTH.
RSVP by calling Sheila at 207-827-2331, email, or by clicking on the link below. The meeting is led by Mindy Kane, AFFM Kinship Navigator.
C.A.R.E.S. Virtual Meeting Adoption/Permanency Guardianship Families
Adoption/Permanency Guardianship Meeting – Meets Tuesday, March 18th, 12:00-1:30 P.M. by ZOOM.
The meeting is led by Brigid Torberg, AFFM Resource Support Coordinator. This is an open forum discussion group for post adoptive and Permanency Guardianship parents to share success and struggles, ask questions of, and gain support from peers. Expand your village and find support with other families post adoption or permanency guardianship.RSVP IS EACH MONTH REQUIRED TO RECEIVE THE LINK TO JOIN THE MEETING.
RSVP by calling Brigid at 207-827-2331 or email or clicking the below link:
C.A.R.E.S. Biddeford Meeting – Kinship Families
Biddeford – Kinship Only- Meets Tuesday, March 18th, 10:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. at The Second Congregational Church at 19 Crescent Street, Biddeford. NO childcare is provided at this meeting.
This meeting is led by Cat Anglea, AFFM Facilitator and Resource Parent. RSVP by calling Brigid at 207-827-2331 or email or clicking the below link: